Modernism: In Print – Dutch Graphic Design 1917–2017

Modernism: In Print – Dutch Graphic Design 1917–2017

Until 1st October, the Special Collections of the University of Amsterdam will be showing the exhibition ‘Modernism: In Print’, which appears to be a must-see for all aspiring graphic designers.

It is apparently, ‘the first retrospective exhibition of modernism in Dutch graphic design’, corresponding with the one hundred year anniversary of the art movement De Stijl, which had a huge influence on Dutch graphic design.

The exhibition uses printed matter and unique items from the archives, such as original sketches and designs to show how modernism visually dominated our daily life for a long period and in a wide variety of graphic forms, ranging from corporate styles and posters to postage stamps and photographic books.

The designers featured include Piet Zwart, Dick Elffers, Jurriaan Schrofer, Wim Crouwel and Experimental Jetset. With international handbooks, type specimens and key works from such designers as El Lissitzky, Jan Tschichold and Karl Gerstner, 'Modernism: In Print' adds context to the Netherlands' contribution to modernism.

The exhibition was curated by Mathieu Lommen and designed by Studio PutGootink, which also made a visual essay based on the selected designs.

For those that won’t be able to make the pilgrimage to Amsterdam, we have a very limited number of the books which were designed in conjunction with the exhibition. This book by design historian Frederike Huygen explores modernism in Dutch graphic design from the 20th century. Divided into three periods – pre-war, post-war, and from 1990 to the present – it emphasises the various aspects and meanings of the term 'modernism', and how its concept dominates the discourse on graphic design, through an extensive overview of the subject. Moreover, it questions the canon by including some less well-known examples of graphic design work, thereby giving recognition to an often underestimated complexity.

If you are interested in purchasing this title, please see below.

Exhibition Dates:
1st October, 2017

Artis Bibliotheek
Plantage Middenlaan 45-45 A
1018 DC Amsterdam

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