Mars Attacks is a series of science fiction trading cards produced by Topps in 1962, depicting the gruesome invasion of Earth by Martians. The story unfolds over the course of the 55 card series, showing futuristic battle scenes with Martians, and their cruel, often-bizarre methods of attack and torture. The series culminates with a human insurrection and the destruction of Mars. The short-lived series retained it’s devoted following and quickly became a collectors item and remains hugely popular and influential today. Tim Burton’s 1996 movie adaptation of the story brought Mars Attacks back to the forefront of pop culture, introducing…
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Mars Attacks is a series of science fiction trading cards produced by Topps in 1962, depicting the gruesome invasion of Earth by Martians.
The story unfolds over the course of the 55 card series, showing futuristic battle scenes with Martians, and their cruel, often-bizarre methods of attack and torture. The series culminates with a human insurrection and the destruction of Mars. The short-lived series retained it’s devoted following and quickly became a collectors item and remains hugely popular and influential today.
Tim Burton’s 1996 movie adaptation of the story brought Mars Attacks back to the forefront of pop culture, introducing the story to a new generation of fans.
The book 'Mars Attacks' is the only book ever created on the topic (the series was reprinted only once, 18 years ago in 1994 and is a collectors item). The book includes rare and never-before-seen material (sketches, concept art, test market materials), as well as an introduction by the series’ creator, Len Brown, and an afterword by Zina Saunders, daughter of the original artist.
Designer: Sara Corbett
Size: 151x188mm
Pages: 224
Publication: 2012
Binding: Casebound