Toy Stories

Toy Stories

Gabriele Galimberti’s ‘Toy Stories’ is certainly one for the wish list. A compendium of photographs of children from around the world, pictured with their favourite toys, his images exude a warmth and curiosity for their subject matter.

For over a year, the photographer and journal­ist visited more than 50 countries, creating colourful images of boys and girls in their homes and neighbourhoods with their most prized possessions: their toys.

From Texas to India, Malawi to China, Iceland, Morocco, and Fiji, Galimberti recorded the spontaneous and natural joy that unites kids despite their diverse backgrounds. Whether the child owns a veritable fleet of miniature cars or a single stuffed monkey, the pride that Galimberti captures is moving, funny, and thought provoking.

You can pick up a copy directly through the publisher here:


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